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Jean's Way: A Love Story
by Derek Humphry

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Jean's Way: A Love Story by Derek Humphry Jean's Way: A Love Story

by Derek Humphry,
founder of the Hemlock Society

2006 Reprint • 160 pages • Norris Lane Press

Paperback: $10 • ISBN 978-0-9637280-7-4 • 0-9637280-7-5

eBook: $6 • ISBN 978-0-9637280-2-9 • 0-9637280-2-4

The moving account of a terminally ill woman's carefully planned self-deliverance from suffering. 2006 printing.

Derek Humpry writes:  “This book was first published in 1978, but it is as pertinent and helpful today as then. It tells the story of my wife, who took her life towards the end of a long and tough struggle against breast cancer. She decided when she'd had enough of suffering and at her request I brought her a lethal dose, which she drank, said a quick 'Goodbye' and died. This book is helpful to people unused to the idea of assisted death, particularly of a spouse.”

Read an excerpt from the book Jean's Way.

The author, Derek Humphry, who has 30 years experience in the death with dignity movement, helped his first wife Jean to die when suffering a lingering death from breast cancer. His book on that event, 'Jean's Way' is a cult classic. Five years after her death he founded the Hemlock Society, which he ran from 1980 to 1992. (Hemlock was later merged into another organization, Compassion and Choices). He was president of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies 1988-90. He wrote "Final Exit " and four other books on this issue, including "Let Me Die Before I Wake", his first `how-to' book which has sold thousands of copies since 1981. Before taking up the right-to-die campaign Derek was a veteran investigative reporter for the London Sunday Times and the Los Angeles Times.

Today Derek Humphry runs the Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization, a nonprofit organization based in Oregon which he started in 1980. He is an adviser to the American group, the Final Exit Network.

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